Most of these will be documentaries about his life's story, some very specific and others focusing more on his general achievements as a whole. They will tend to discuss his various relationships as well, just as we have done in our biography. These tend to be in a variety of different languages and are not always delivered with dubbing or subtitles, so make sure you check ahead before buying any of them. With most media now moving into the digital age, some of these will be available for streaming and that can often be a little cheaper. At the time of writing, the main streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Video do only offer a small selection of art related videos, and it remains a niche category for many.
We hope to include more detail about specific releases here in the future, but for now we can only point you in the direction of Amazon stores in your area as the best place to start your search. You might also use IMDB as a source for learning more about Dali related films and DVDs as their knowledge base on film and television is pretty much unrivalled, at least from the perspective of western releases. There are also a good number of reviews available there which should help you to determine which ones are worth watching. We do make a small commission from the external links placed in this website, normally from any purchases that you might subsequently make.
You might also look for art related series which are more common and tend to focus on a specific artist per episode. These are great for broadening your art history knowledge and Dali will often feature because of the significance of the Surrealist movement as well as his own considerable fame and highly memorable personality. All in all, there are documentaries out there to watch, but they are dispersed right across the internet in a variety of languages and formats and as yet have never been collated together. Hopefully, that may change in the future, but for now Google and other search tools are your best bet for investigating available releases.